Sunday Worship 10.30am and 6.15pm
Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 7.30pm


Ladies’ and Men’s Fellowships

Two groups, one men, one ladies, who enjoy meeting together to hear God’s word, praising Him, and sharing a coffee or two. Why not join us?

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When is it?

Wednesday mornings during term-time, from 10.30 to 11.30 or just after, with tea/coffee from 10 am.

Who are we?

A group of men, from Grace and some from other local Christian fellowships, who enjoy meeting together to praise God, hear good ministry of His Word, and share together in the things of the Lord. We find it a joy and encouragement to meet, and one long-time member has called it “an oasis in the middle of the week.”

What happens?

The heart of the meeting is Bible ministry from a wide range of visiting speakers, and some of our own members who minister God’s Word; there is also a short “spot” taken by one of the members, which may be personal testimony/experience, an introduction to the life of a missionary or other figure from Church history, a book review/recommendation, a topical or local ‘object lesson’ etc. etc., and of course we sing praise to our Lord! If you want to hear how well a group of men can sing God’s praise ( Welsh choirs, eat your hearts out!) this is for you.


In the Grace centre, in the smaller hall to the left of the main entrance.

Other details:

We run parallel to the Ladies’ fellowship, and the last meeting of each term is a joint meeting, including the Christmas and Easter meetings.