Sunday Worship 10.30am and 6.15pm
Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 7.30pm


Don’s Daily Devotions

Join us as we read the scriptures and a daily devotion written by Don Crisp. We pray these messages will bless us all at this time.

Acts chapter 10:17-26:

Categories: Don’s Daily Devotions

Acts chapter 10:17-26:

V17-18:  As Peter is puzzling over what his vision means, the men from Cornelius arrive at the house and ask for him. There are no ” coincidences” in God’s dealings with His people, only the working out of His sovereign purposes. 

V19-20:  Still pondering over what God is saying to him ( or is he resisting it, as we may do at times?) Peter is told by the Holy Spirit to go down to the men who are seeking him, and to go with them – for God has sent them.

V21-22:  He goes to them, asks why they have come, and they tell him of the devout centurion, well-regarded by the Jews who know him, and how an angel had appeared to him, telling him to send for Peter.

V23:  Peter invites them in – already going against the Jewish ” taboos” about contact with Gentiles – and next day sets out with them for Caesarea, accompanied by some Jewish believers from Joppa – who will be God’s chosen witnesses to what happens.

V24:  When they arrive, Cornelius has gathered “his relatives and close friends” in anticipation of what Peter has to tell them. Clearly, he is a man concerned to share what he knows of God with others – an example to us all.

V25-26:  He falls down before Peter, offering him homage, but Peter quickly corrects this – he is only a man, like Cornelius himself. What belongs only to God must not be given to him!