Welcome to our Resources Page. This is where you can find all sorts of interesting stuff to help you, from crafts, to songs, to articles and activities. We hope you enjoy this area, but if there is anything else you would like us to add in, just let us know.

When you have made your craft, why not send us a photo of what you have made? Or send us a short video of your singing and dancing skills….or why not write an article for our collection. We would love to hear from you.
𝅘𝅥𝅮 Thank You God - Lyric Video

He must be God Ruth

Zacchaeus Tree Craft
And for our final craft of our A-Z Memory Verses, we are making a tree, just like the one Zacchaeus climbed. We don’t recommend you climb any trees, but we do recommend you print off these templates and get cutting and gluing! Enjoy! Zacchaeus’ tree craft instructions 1. Print off the tree template 2. Very…

FlipFlop Fridge Magnet Craft
That’s quite a mouthful of words, isn’t it? A flipflop fridge magnet craft! Here are the instructions and a photo to show you what it could look like: Flip flop fridge magnet instructions 1. Take the card base and the page of atlas and use the card as template, drawing round it so that you…

Thank you card craft
This weeks craft is simple, yet really useful. We would like you to make a Thank You Card to give or send to someone. As we start back to school and think about the last few months, we have so much to be thankful for. Thankful to our Mums and Dads for looking after us;…

Memory Verse – W
Can you believe that we are at “W” already? Why not print it off, then learn it while you are colouring it in. Show your work to someone at home, and tell them the verse you have learnt. You could even send us a video of you saying it while holding your picture!…

Heart Suncatcher Craft
This week, you are going to make a suncatcher. Whats that? you say….Its a heart shape, with colours, and when the sun shines through, it will look amazing! Suncatcher Heart decoration Instructions 1. Take the heart template and cut carefully round the outside line of the template and then inside the inside line. 2. Cut…

Lantern Craft
This week, we are asking you to make a Chinese Lantern. Once you have it made, you can decorate and make it unique to you. Remember to send us photos of your final version! Chinese Lantern Instructions 1. Take an A4 piece of paper or larger rectangle 2. Measure a line 1 inch (3cms) on…

Paper Flowers Craft
We hope you enjoy making the craft this week. It is a bit more complex, and you may need to ask for some help. But please do send us some pictures or video to show us how you got on. Flower Craft Instructions

Anchor Craft
This week’s craft is all about “Trust”, to go with our verse, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart”. So, open the pdf file, and follow the instructions. And remember to let us see how you got on!

Spectacular Spectacles Craft
“Seek the Lord while He may be found”. Its all about looking and seeing, isn’t it? So this weeks craft is you making your very own spectacular spectacles! Glasses Instructions Carefully cut out the glasses template, an adult may have to help you cutting out the eyehole bit. Cut out the glasses arms templates. On…

Windmill Craft
We hope using this windmill will remind you of this week’s verse: “Remember your creator in the days of your youth”. Here are the instructions and some pictures to help. Enjoy! Windmill instructions 1. Carefully cut out the three templates – 2x blades and 1x circle. Best to add any decoration at this stage, and…

Memory Verse Book A-Z
After a fantastic achievement of learning all the memory verses from A-Z, you may have by now completed your MV Booklet. In case you haven’t, here is a finished version for you to download. Ask someone to print it off for you, then you can colour in the pictures and keep learning the verses. Well…

Memory Verse – Z
And here it is: our last alphabetical memory verse….the letter Z. Can you think what verse in the Bible starts with a Z?

Memory Verse – Y
We are almost finished! Here is letter Y for you to learn.

Memory Verse – X
Here is last weeks verse….which we for got to load! Sorry! It’s letter X, which isnt easy to find in the Bible, but we hope this one will remind you of a great story.

Memory Verse – W
Can you believe that we are at “W” already? Why not print it off, then learn it while you are colouring it in. Show your work to someone at home, and tell them the verse you have learnt. You could even send us a video of you saying it while holding your picture!…

Memory Verse – V
Here is our next memory verse, starting with the letter ”V”. Why not print it off, then learn it while you are colouring it in. Show your work to someone at home, and tell them the verse you have learnt. You could even send us a video of you saying it while holding your picture!…

Memory Verse – U
Here is our next memory verse, starting with the letter ”U”. Why not print it off, then learn it while you are colouring it in. Show your work to someone at home, and tell them the verse you have learnt. You could even send us a video of you saying it while holding your picture!…

Memory Verse – T
Here is our next memory verse, starting with the letter ”T”. Why not print it off, then learn it while you are colouring it in. Show your work to someone at home, and tell them the verse you have learnt. You could even send us a video of you saying it while holding your picture!…

Memory Verse “S” – Actions
Watch and listen as Pastor Stuart teaching the children of Junior Church the actions for our memory verse “S”.

Memory Verse – S
Here is our next memory verse, starting with the letter ”S”. Why not print it off, then learn it while you are colouring it in. Show your work to someone at home, and tell them the verse you have learnt. You could even send us a video of you saying it while holding your picture!…

Where is God in a Coronavirus World? by John Lennox
We are living through a unique, era-defining period. Many of our old certainties have gone, whatever our view of the world and whatever our beliefs. The coronavirus pandemic and its effects are perplexing and unsettling for all of us. How do we begin to think it through and cope with it? In this short yet…

Hope Beyond Coronavirus, by Roger Carswell
Who would have guessed that in the 2017 Asterix comic “Asterix and the Chariot Race” there would be a character called “Coronavirus”? Until recently very few of us had heard the word. Now, across the world, it is the most talked about virus. Even the UK’s Prime Minister, in sober tones, has warned that some…

Pandemic Panic
At the moment, the world doesn’t seem to know what has hit it. With all the science jumbled in with fake news and media sensationalism, nobody seems to know what’s going on. Predictive charts, maps and graphs show people’s expectations of how the rest of the year will pan out. But with constant updates and ever-changing…

Memory Verses A-N
The kids of Junior Church are still working away, learning their memory verses. Today, Pastor Stuart teaches them all the verses so far, from A-N.

Memory Verses A-M
The kids of Junior Church are still working away, learning their memory verses. Today, Pastor Stuart teaches them all the verses so far, from A-M

Memory Verses A-L
The kids of Junior Church are still working away, learning their memory verses. Today, Pastor Stuart teaches them all the verses so far, from A-K

Memory Verses A-K
The kids of Junior Church are still working away, learning their memory verses. Today, Pastor Stuart teaches them all the verses so far, from A-K.

Bible Memory Verses A-J
The children of junior church are doing great with the memory verses – this week we’ve got up to ‘J’. This video covers A-J. Keep going!!

Bible Memory Verses A-I
The children of junior church are doing great with the memory verses – this week we’ve got up to ‘I’. This video covers A-I. Keep going!!

Bible Verses A-H
Each week, the children from Junior Church at Grace have been receiving a picture with a verse from the Bible on it. The idea is that they colour in and learn the verses through A-Z over a period of weeks. In this latest video, Pastor Stuart is teaching the children actions for the first six verses,…

Bible Verses A-F
Each week, the children from Junior Church at Grace have been receiving a picture with a verse from the Bible on it. The idea is that they colour in and learn the verses through A-Z over a period of weeks. In this latest video, Pastor Stuart is teaching the children actions for the first six verses,…

Bible Verses A-E
Each week, the children from Junior Church at Grace have been receiving a picture with a verse from the Bible on it. The idea is that they colour in and learn the verses through A-Z over a period of weeks. In this latest video, Pastor Stuart is teaching the children actions for the first…

Bible Verses A-D
Each week, the children from Junior Church at Grace have been receiving a picture with a verse from the Bible on it. The idea is that they colour in and learn the verses through A-Z over a period of weeks. In this video, Pastor Stuart is teaching the children actions for the first four…