Grace actively supports mission work throughout the world, both directly through people we send, and also through our support of Grace Baptist Missions. Read more of our mission work and our regular updates.
At Grace, we are strongly committed to Christ’s command to take the gospel to every nation and culture. We believe the responsibility for this task lies with us, the local church. However we cannot do it all on our own so we have a strong partnership with Grace Baptist Mission, who bring us together with similar churches, to help achieve the goal of making Christ known around the globe.
We currently support five workers serving in Peru, UK and in Literature production and distribution around the developing world. Our support involves prayer, giving financially and pastoral visits.
Once a year, in November, we hold a Missionary Weekend, when we ask our missionary members to report on their years work as well as hearing news from other areas of the world.For those overseas, a Skype connection makes for a live and meaningful contact. Also once a month we hold a missionary prayer meeting in the home of one of our members.
On this page, you can read more about our mission work and enjoy our regular updates.

Missionary Weekend 2019
Grace Baptist Church Southport invite you to our annual Missionary Weekend. Taking place on 16-17h November, we look forward to hearing reports on the Lord’s work from many parts of the world. This year, out missionaries are going to be including items not just for adults, but also for children.These will take place during the…

Arequipa News Oct 2019
So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart. A bird with a broken wing cannot fly. A church that relies on only one “wing” of ministry will also struggle to function efficiently. The early New Testament church…

Arequipa News
A sword for the Lord and for Gideon. (Judges 7: 20) In ancient history a story is told of a valiant captain whose banner was always foremost in the fight, whose sword was dreaded by his enemies, for it always heralded victory. His monarch once demanded to see this potent weapon for himself. On examination…

Holiday Club 2019
Superheroes! Its that time again…Holiday Club at Grace! Our Holiday Bible Club runs this half term on Tuesday 28th May – Friday 31st May. Four mornings of free fun during summer half-term, for kids from reception through to year 6. Where? It’s happening at the Grace Centre on the corner of Market St and Princes Street….

Arequipa Camp 2019
Our friends in Arequipa, Peru held their annual camp in January, and they thought you might like to see how they got on. We thank you for your prayers for the wonderful time we had together. Please click on the video and enjoy! For more details about our work, or to support us, email us…

Anthony & Roxy Green – June 2018
As soon as you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the balsam trees, move quickly, because that will mean the Lord has gone out in front of you to strike the Philistine army. 2 Samuel 5:24 Many an athlete has been disqualified for “jumping” the starting gun. As believers we are often…
Holiday Club 2017
Meet the King! Its that time again…Holiday Club at Grace! But this time, it’s February Half-Term. Our Holiday Bible Club runs this half term on Tuesday 14th – Friday 17th February. Four mornings of free fun during spring half-term, for kids from reception through to year 6. Where? It’s happening at the Grace Centre on the…

Life Explored Course
[embedyt][/embedyt] Are you searching or longing for something more in life? Or maybe you know someone who is? Life Explored is an informal and relaxed seven-week course. It’s for anyone who wants to find contentment and happiness in life. It starts 8.00pm on Tuesday 10th January 2017 and is being held in…

Arequipa News – December 2016
She will bear a Son; and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins. (Matt 1:21) Those words spoken by the angel of the Lord ring from eternity past, into the present, and on into the certain fulfilment of all Gods purposes since the dawn of creation; a…

Missionary Weekend 2016
Please join us for our annual Missionary Weekend, 19th-20th November, when we spend time with each other and with our missionaries, as we learn more about their work telling the world about Jesus. We begin on Saturday at 10.00am with an fascinating morning of discovery, listening to four speakers telling us about God’s work. …