Sunday Worship 10.30am and 6.15pm
Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 7.30pm


Don’s Daily Devotions

Join us as we read the scriptures and a daily devotion written by Don Crisp. We pray these messages will bless us all at this time.

Acts chapter 15 v 36-41:

Categories: Don’s Daily Devotions

Acts chapter 15 v 36-41:

V36:  Some time later, Paul speaks to Barnabas of revisiting the churches founded on their previous journey, to see how they are and encourage them. In this we see a real concern for their continuing spiritual welfare and growth.

V37:  Barnabas, ever the great encourager, wants to take John Mark with them again.

V38:  Paul rejects this, because Mark left them on that first journey – as this verse clearly suggests, when things became difficult and perhaps dangerous. So Paul feels he is not to be trusted with such ministry again.

V39:  This becomes such a cause of dissention between Paul and Barnabas that they separate – no longer, it seems able to work amicably together! This seems amazing – 2 such men of God, who have worked together to such blessing. Bible commentators ( and preachers ) disagree about who was right and who was wrong – but whatever we conclude, let us be on our guard. Satan loves to divide believers, to split churches and disrupt the work. If it could happen to 2 such men, let us ever beware of causes of division ( Remember 1 Corinthians 10 v12.) Barnabas now takes Mark with him to his homeland of Cyprus. Some point out we hear no more of him in the NT. Was he wrong then to take Mark’s part? Was it coloured by the fact that Mark was related to him, as we learn in Colossians 4 v10?  But consider Paul’s own words in 2 Timothy 4 v11 – at the end of his life he has come to value Mark highly, and wants to see him again. To me this is more evidence of Barnabas’ ministry of encouragement bearing fruit. He looked through a young man’s failure to what the Lord could and would do with him in time to come, and was surely instrumental in this.

V40-41:  For all Satan’s efforts to disrupt, God’s work goes on, His kingdom advances. ( Matthew 16 v 18.)  Paul now chooses Silas,( surely ” v34″ is valid in explaining this.) They set off together on what will be the second great NT missionary journey, commended by the Antioch church. First, they revisit  the churches of the first journey, but soon they will break new and significant ground, as God directs their ministry.