Sunday Worship 10.30am and 6.15pm
Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 7.30pm


Don’s Daily Devotions

Join us as we read the scriptures and a daily devotion written by Don Crisp. We pray these messages will bless us all at this time.

Acts chapter 10:9-16:

Categories: Don’s Daily Devotions

Acts chapter 10:9-16:

V9:  As God is working His purpose out, even in small details ( Romans 8:28.) Peter goes up to the roof of his host’s house to pray, just as Cornelius’ messengers are approaching the city. The roofs, remember, would be flat, often with a parapet around them.

V10-11:  Peter feels hungry, but even as a “real” meal is being prepared for him, he falls into a trance in which he sees a vision of “something like a great sheet”, held up by its 4 corners, coming down from heaven to earth.

V12: In this “sheet” are a mixture of many creatures, some of which are specifically ” unclean” according to OT law – and by proximity to them, even any ” clean” beasts would have been rendered unclean.

V13-14:  A voice tells Peter to kill something from the sheet, and eat. Peter protests he has never eaten anything unclean, or forbidden by the law – common as opposed to that “set apart” by God’s ordinance, and so “Holy” ( See Leviticus 10:10.) He realises it is the Lord who speaks to him, and perhaps thinks this is a test of his piety.

V15-16:  But he is told he must not call anything God has made clean ” common”. The whole sequence is repeated 3 times. Peter is of course being prepared for God’s dealings in grace with the Gentile Cornelius and his household.