Sunday Worship 10.30am and 6.15pm
Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 7.30pm


Don’s Daily Devotions

Join us as we read the scriptures and a daily devotion written by Don Crisp. We pray these messages will bless us all at this time.

Acts chapter 11:22-26:

Categories: Don’s Daily Devotions

Acts chapter 11:22-26:

V22:  The report of this reaches Jerusalem. It is not completely clear if this is after Peter’s statement in the earlier verses, perhaps, but the Apostles send a trusted man to Antioch, to see what is happening there and if it is indeed of God. Surely it is significant that the man sent is Barnabas, the ” great encourager “, suggesting that this is not a ” hostile ” investigation but a genuine desire to discern if this is indeed God’s hand at work.

V23-24:  His response is characteristic of him. He who listened to Saul and accepted what God had done in his life, when no one else would ( ch 9 v 26-27. ) also recognises God’s work here, and rejoices in it. He encourages the new Gentile believers in their faith, and calls them to faithfulness in their own walk with the Lord. V24 is Scripture’s remarkable testimony to the Christ-like life and witness of this choice believer! And  surely, the ” many more” added to the Lord here were the fruits of his own ministry there in Antioch.

V25-26:  Then, surely at the Lord’s direction, he goes to Tarsus ( relatively near to Antioch, in fact ) to seek out Saul ( ch9 v30.) He brings Saul back to Antioch, where they continue together teaching the new church for a full year. Seemingly, Barnabas was God’s instrument in involving the soon-to-be Apostle to the Gentiles in regular ministry in this , the first largely Gentile church.  We are told that it was here at Antioch that the believers were first called “Christians”. Some think this was originally a sarcastic term, but surely it speaks of the clarity of their testimony and their lives for the Lord – they were ” Christ’s people “, always talking of Him, pointing others to Him, witnessing for Him.