Sunday Worship 10.30am and 6.15pm
Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 7.30pm


Don’s Daily Devotions

Join us as we read the scriptures and a daily devotion written by Don Crisp. We pray these messages will bless us all at this time.

Acts chapter 12:6-10:

Categories: Don’s Daily Devotions

Acts chapter 12:6-10:

V6:  Peter is in prison, chained to 2 soldiers with others outside his cell door, yet peacefully asleep – surely the “peace which surpasses all ( human ) understanding.” ( Philippians 4:7.) Herod intends to bring him out, no doubt for execution, the next day.

A hopeless situation? No, Peter is safe in the Lord’s hands, whatever the outcome.

V7:  A light shines in his cell, and an angel wakes Peter, telling him to get up – and his chains fall off. God works in Sovereign ways – in a similar situation in ch 16 He will send an earthquake to loosen Paul’s and Silas’ chains. Let us learn not to limit God in our thinking, or try to ” fit Him in” to a pattern.

V8-9:  The angel tells Peter to get ( fully ) dressed, put on his sandals, wrap his cloak around him, and follow him. Note how God is the God of the practical as well as the miraculous – he expects us to act sensibly, as He  deals with us. Peter does as he is bidden, but does not think this is ” real “, taking it to be a vision from God. Do we always recognise what the Lord is doing with us?

V10:  The angel leads Peter past the guards ( presumably in a deep sleep ) and the prison gate opens before them, after which the angel leaves Peter. In all this, we see the Lord’s mastery of any situation.