Sunday Worship 10.30am and 6.15pm
Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 7.30pm


Don’s Daily Devotions

Join us as we read the scriptures and a daily devotion written by Don Crisp. We pray these messages will bless us all at this time.

Acts chapter 13 v 40-45:

Categories: Don’s Daily Devotions

Acts chapter 13 v 40-45:


V40-41:  He warns his hearers of the consequences of rejecting this Gospel, which again he grounds in OT Scripture, quoting Habakkuk 1 v5. The people of that day would not listen to what they were told from God, let his hearers not make the same mistake. How this speaks to all who hear yet disregard the Gospel!    

V42:  The congregation leave the synagogue, and many of them earnestly ask Paul to speak of these things again on the next Sabbath day.

V43:  Others, more deeply touched, surely by God’s grace, will not wait that week, so many, both Jews and Gentile God-fearers,

stay with Paul and Barnabas, who speak further to them, and ” urge them to continue in the grace of God “, surely implying that they believe and discern that real works of saving grace have already taken place in their hearts.

V44:  On the next Sabbath not just the synagogue congregation, but “almost the whole city” come to hear God’s Word, as Paul declares it. Clearly, the news of the previous week’s message has spread to a much wider audience, as God is at work.

V45:  But seeing this, “the Jews” ( probably speaking of the leaders of the ‘ Synagogue and the Jewish community, as it often indicates the Jewish leaders in the Gospels ) are envious of Paul’s influence on so many, and begin to argue against what he says and to ” revile him”, probably as a “blasphemer”.