Sunday Worship 10.30am and 6.15pm
Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 7.30pm


Don’s Daily Devotions

Join us as we read the scriptures and a daily devotion written by Don Crisp. We pray these messages will bless us all at this time.

Acts chapter 15 v 19-22:

Categories: Don’s Daily Devotions

Acts chapter 15 v 19-22:

V19-20:  So James, clearly as led by the Holy Spirit, gives his judgement. Gentiles who trust in Christ are not to be burdened with the demands of the Law, but are exhorted to put away any trace of their pagan background, it’s idolatry and lifestyle, and also to avoid eating what would give offence to their Jewish brothers. This is not to impose OT Laws on them, but to to urge them to be mindful of Jewish scruples. Nor are we to see this as an ongoing “rule of life” for non-Jewish believers, but as an act of Christian love for that day, when the church was still primarily composed of Jewish people.

V21:  In this, they show regard for the OT Law, read every Sabbath in the synagogues ( from which many of these early Gentile converts have come, as previous ” God-fearers.”

 V22:  Now the Apostles, Elders and the whole Jerusalem church decide to send chosen men from among them to accompany Paul and Barnabas back to Antioch, no doubt to affirm the decision of the church personally. The 2 chosen men are Judas Barsabbas, of whom we learn little more, and Silas, who will become significant in the next round of Gospel expansion, alongside Paul.