Sunday Worship 10.30am and 6.15pm
Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 7.30pm


Memory Verses


Memory Verse Book A-Z

After a fantastic achievement of learning all the memory verses from A-Z, you may have by now completed your MV Booklet. In case you haven’t, here is a finished version for you to download. Ask someone to print it off for you, then you can colour in the pictures and keep learning the verses. Well done, and keep learning.


all have sinned

Memory Verse – Z

And here it is: our last alphabetical memory verse….the letter Z. Can you think what verse in the Bible starts with a Z?

all have sinned

Xceedingly coloured

Memory Verse – X

Here is last weeks verse….which we for got to load! Sorry! It’s letter X, which isnt easy to find in the Bible, but we hope this one will remind you of a great story.

Xceedingly coloured

We love because

Memory Verse – W

Can you believe that we are at “W” already? Why not print it off, then learn it while you are colouring it in. Show your work to someone at home, and tell them the verse you have learnt. You could even send us a video of you saying it while holding your picture!…

We love because

V coloured

Memory Verse – V

Here is our next memory verse, starting with the letter ”V”. Why not print it off, then learn it while you are colouring it in. Show your work to someone at home, and tell them the verse you have learnt. You could even send us a video of you saying it while holding your picture!…

V coloured

U coloured

Memory Verse – U

Here is our next memory verse, starting with the letter ”U”. Why not print it off, then learn it while you are colouring it in. Show your work to someone at home, and tell them the verse you have learnt. You could even send us a video of you saying it while holding your picture!…

U coloured

T coloured

Memory Verse – T

Here is our next memory verse, starting with the letter ”T”. Why not print it off, then learn it while you are colouring it in. Show your work to someone at home, and tell them the verse you have learnt. You could even send us a video of you saying it while holding your picture!…

T coloured


Memory Verse “S” – Actions

Watch and listen as Pastor Stuart teaching the children of Junior Church the actions for our memory verse “S”.

Stuart Memory Verse S

Watch Pastor Stuart as he teaches the kids of Junior Church the actions for our Memory Verse "S".
all have sinned

Memory Verse – S

Here is our next memory verse, starting with the letter ”S”. Why not print it off, then learn it while you are colouring it in. Show your work to someone at home, and tell them the verse you have learnt. You could even send us a video of you saying it while holding your picture!…

all have sinned