Sunday Worship 10.30am and 6.15pm
Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 7.30pm


Don’s Daily Devotions

Join us as we read the scriptures and a daily devotion written by Don Crisp. We pray these messages will bless us all at this time.

Day 1 – Philippians 1:1-6

Categories: Don’s Daily Devotions

Philippians (#1) ch1

Introduction: Our next set of devotions are based on Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi. Acts ch 16 tells the story of how the gospel came to Philippi, and the remarkable work of God’s grace through Paul and his companions in the founding of that church. As this letter clearly shows, it continued to have a special place in Paul’s heart. As he writes he is a prisoner in Rome, and he wants them to know his ongoing concern for them, his prayer and desire for them to grow as believers.

Day 1: Mon 11th May – Read Philippians 1:1-6

V1: Paul introduces himself and Timothy, who is clearly with him at this time, not emphasising his office as an apostle, but simply yet profoundly as “servants” – the original word is stronger – bond-slaves – of the Lord Jesus. This is his first identity – he belongs to a Master, and is his willing servant. He calls those he writes to “saints in Christ Jesus” – not a special class of believers, a spiritual elite, but all true Christians, in that and every church. The word means those called by God’s grace, set apart for Him and His service, and in whom the Holy Spirit’s
sanctifying work is going on. He speaks of the (only) two continuing offices in the NT church – elders (over-seers) and deacons. Both, like him and all believers are servants of Christ and of the church.

V2: This is Paul’s Christian adaptation of a commonly used greeting in letters at this time, but so much deeper. For Christians, grace and peace come to us by God’s grace alone and through Christ’s death for us on the cross.

V3: Paul’s prayers often begin by thanking God for his brothers and sisters in Christ, and assuring them they are in his heart and remembrance. His memories of the Philippians are, perhaps, especially personal and precious.

V4: They are always in his prayers, and he prays for them with real joy in his heart. Does this reflect our prayers for one another, and for other believers we know?

V5: And that joy is rooted in his assurance of their fellowship in and commitment to gospel service. He has seen this since the very beginning of their Christian lives, and is sure there is still that persevering commitment to the Lord and His service. May it be true of us!

V6: But this is all by grace! God’s work in them – and when God begins a work He completes it. That full completion will be seen when Christ returns and His people share in His eternal glory, What a prospect for every believer!