Sunday Worship 10.30am and 6.15pm
Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 7.30pm


Don’s Daily Devotions

Join us as we read the scriptures and a daily devotion written by Don Crisp. We pray these messages will bless us all at this time.

Day 5 – John 13 : 31-35

Categories: Don’s Daily Devotions

Read John 13:31-35

V31-32: With Judas gone, Jesus, for all the weight of His sufferings which He knows, seems less burdened, and can speak of God’s sure purpose in it all – to glorify His Son, and be glorified in Him. The Son of Man was the title Jesus most used for Himself, it came from OT prophecy, but also declared His true human nature. His glory came through the work of His cross, and His Father, who gave His Son for us shares in that glory ( Philippians 2:9-11) We give God the glory when we praise and worship Him as He deserves, giving Him what belongs only to Him. How amazing that the eternal Lord of glory was pleased to come again to His glory after He so humbled Himself, through His death on the cross for us!

V33: He will leave these disciples soon; will go where they cannot (yet) follow. He returns to His Father, after His death, resurrection and ascension into heaven. But o ne day they, and all His redeemed people, will be with Him. (See John 14:1-3.)

V34: But for now, they must face life without His physical presence – as we all still do – and so He gives them His “new commandment” – they must love one another. But how is it “new”? Jesus Himself summed up the OT law in love for God, and for others (Matthew 22:36-40.) What is new is the measure of this love – it is to be like His love for them – for us. This is how Christians are to love one another!

V35: And Jesus says it should be the first, the most obviously different thing that others see in us. “See how these Christians love one another” wrote a second century historian in amazement. Can that be seen in us? How do we show it, to each other and to unbelievers around us?