Sunday Worship 10.30am and 6.15pm
Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 7.30pm


Don’s Daily Devotions

Join us as we read the scriptures and a daily devotion written by Don Crisp. We pray these messages will bless us all at this time.

Day 7 – John 14:1-6

Categories: Don’s Daily Devotions

Read John 14:1-6

V1: Jesus is preparing His disciples for His going away, which will be by His death on the cross. He knows they are puzzled, their minds troubled, and how grieved they will be when He is taken, but he seeks to comfort them through wonderful promises they will understand later. He calls them to trust Him, just as they trust God.

V2: The Father’s house is the ultimate home He will share with His people – heaven. “Many rooms” is too vague, the word means ‘abiding places’, (the old word ‘abodes’), where people belong, their rightful home. There is a place there for every believer, through Christ’s redeeming death for them.

V3: He goes to make their – and our, if we are trusting in Him – place ready, and will come for them again. He wants all His people to be with Him forever.

V4-5: Jesus says they know the way there. Thomas replies they don’t – for they still don’t understand. Do we at times fail to understand what God says to us in His Word, by not really listening to it.

V6: Jesus Himself IS the Way – the only way to God, the only way sinful humans can have a place in heaven. That way is made through the cross, where He bore our sins that we might be forgiven. And He is the Truth, the living truth of God, which He came to declare to us – and the Life, the new spiritual life, eternal life, which is received by faith, through God’s grace alone. (John 3:16 ). Note, this is an exclusive claim – Jesus is the only Saviour, the only way to truly know God – and we need no other! (Hebrews7:25)