Sunday Worship 10.30am and 6.15pm
Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 7.30pm


Don’s Daily Devotions

Join us as we read the scriptures and a daily devotion written by Don Crisp. We pray these messages will bless us all at this time.

Mon 17th August – 2 Kings chapter 2:4-6:

Categories: Don’s Daily Devotions

Mon 17th August –  Read 2 Kings chapter 2:4-6:

V4:  The previous process is repeated, and in this the test of Elisha’s steadfastness and commitment continues. He remains resolute in holding to what God, it seems, has revealed to him, an example to us all. So, they continue together from Bethel to Jericho.

V5:  Another company of “the sons of the prophets”, apparently based there, come out to Elisha, and again they, and he, repeat what has been said before. Perhaps such repeated experience reminds us how often our days seem ” the same”, perhaps especially at the present time, and how we are to remain steadfast and continue in our walk of faith and obedience.

V6:  Elijah tells Elisha God is sending him to the river Jordan, and again Elisha will not leave his master. Note how he, like Elijah himself so often, affirms his faith in the living God.