Welcome to our Resources Page. This is where you can find all sorts of interesting stuff to help you, from crafts, to songs, to articles and activities. We hope you enjoy this area, but if there is anything else you would like us to add in, just let us know.

When you have made your craft, why not send us a photo of what you have made? Or send us a short video of your singing and dancing skills….or why not write an article for our collection. We would love to hear from you.
𝅘𝅥𝅮 Thank You God - Lyric Video

He must be God Ruth

For God So Loved The World Craft
Here is a craft to help you remember a great verse, that God loves the people of the world so much that He gave us His Son. Colour in, cut out and stick together. And remember: send us pictures of what you have done!

Bee-attitudes Craft
This week’s craft is a bit more complicated, and you might need some help, but I think you will like it. You are going to make a Bee, a Bee-attitude. All the templates and instructions you need are here, but you will also need to cut a square of paper, and have some glue or…

Sermon on the Mount Craft
Here is a good craft to do during the service as Stuart tells us about the Sermon on the Mount. As you colour it in, listen for the words written round the edge, and colour them as you hear them. It’s a great way to learn the important points.

Mary Magdalene Craft
Here is a good craft for Easter Sunday. It is about Mary Magdalene, a lady who met Jesus after he was raised from the tomb. Read all about it in John chapter 20. After you print the pictures, colour it in, then ask an adult to help you cut out the extra pieces to make…

Jesus Craft
Now it is almost Easter, here is a craft all about Jesus. It is based on Matthew 19 v 14 about Jesus talking to children. Colour the first page, then ask an adult to help you cut out the items from the second page before putting it all together. Enjoy! Click on the photo below…

Moses Craft
Have a go at colouring in this wheel craft all about Moses. When you have finished, ask an adult to help you cut it out and put it together. Click on the picture to get a full size version to send to your printer.

Kid’s Sermon Notes
Print off this sheet, then you can use it to make your own notes during the next online service. Write down what verses are read, what songs we sing, and colour it in! Send it to us, and there might even be a prize… Click on the image to get a full size to send…
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Memory Verses A-L
The kids of Junior Church are still working away, learning their memory verses. Today, Pastor Stuart teaches them all the verses so far, from A-K

Bible Verse – L
Here is our next memory verse, starting with the letter ”L”. Why not print it off, then learn it while you are colouring it in. Show your work to someone at home, and tell them the verse you have learnt. You could even send us a video of you saying it while holding your picture!…

Memory Verses A-K
The kids of Junior Church are still working away, learning their memory verses. Today, Pastor Stuart teaches them all the verses so far, from A-K.

Bible Verse – K
Here is our next memory verse, starting with the letter ”K”. Why not print it off, then learn it while you are colouring it in. Show your work to someone at home, and tell them the verse you have learnt. You could even send us a video of you saying it while holding your picture!…

Bible Memory Verses A-J
The children of junior church are doing great with the memory verses – this week we’ve got up to ‘J’. This video covers A-J. Keep going!!

Bible Verse – J
Here is our tenth memory verse, and of course it starts with the letter ”J”. Why not print it off, then learn it while you are colouring it in. Show your work to someone at home, and tell them the verse you have learnt. You could even send us a video of you saying it…

Bible Memory Verses A-I
The children of junior church are doing great with the memory verses – this week we’ve got up to ‘I’. This video covers A-I. Keep going!!

Bible Verse – i
Here is our ninth memory verse, and of course it starts with the letter ”i”. Why not print it off, then learn it while you are colouring it in. Show your work to someone at home, and tell them the verse you have learnt. You could even send us a video of you saying it…

A-Z Memory Verse Booklet
You may have seen or heard Pastor Stuart talking about our church children learning Bible verses every week, and encouraging them to colour in and stick them in their Memory Verse Booklet. If you haven’t got a book yet, you have now. Just click on the link below, and print it off, then you can…

Bible Verses A-H
Each week, the children from Junior Church at Grace have been receiving a picture with a verse from the Bible on it. The idea is that they colour in and learn the verses through A-Z over a period of weeks. In this latest video, Pastor Stuart is teaching the children actions for the first six verses,…