Sunday Worship 10.30am and 6.15pm
Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 7.30pm


Don’s Daily Devotions

Join us as we read the scriptures and a daily devotion written by Don Crisp. We pray these messages will bless us all at this time.

Sat 5th September – Acts chapter 2:42-47:

Categories: Don’s Daily Devotions

Sat 5th September                Read Acts chapter 2:42-47:

V42:  The chapter ends with a glimpse of the priorities in the early church. They “devote themselves” – give themselves whole-heartedly and without reserve – to 4 things in particular: the Apostle’s teaching – literally for them, of course – what the Apostles teach them, under the leading of the Spirit ( preserved for us in the NT ); the fellowship ( i.e. to one another in Christian love ); the breaking of bread – probably the Lord’s supper, in obedience to His command (  1 Corinthians 11 :23-25.); and to the prayers, suggesting specific times of gathered prayer. These should still be our priorities!

V43:  God continues to work through the Apostles, confirming His work with ” wonders and signs”, and causing a holy awe in many who see this.

V44-45:  The oneness of that early  church is emphasised – they loved being together, they shared everything, and the wealthier among them used their wealth now to benefit others – many of them were no doubt poor and had little, if some were slaves, they had nothing.. The specifics of this practice were for that age, but the principles behind them should always mark the church of Christ.

V46-47: As yet, they still worshipped in the temple, as well as fellowshipping together in their homes. They saw everything they had as God’s blessing, and received it thankfully and joyfully – Do we? Their lives were full of praise, and this was clearly part of their witness, and people were touched by it and responded to them positively. And God used their faithful witness to bring others to faith every day. Oh that it might yet please Him to work like this again, to His glory.