Sunday Worship 10.30am and 6.15pm
Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 7.30pm


Don’s Daily Devotions

Join us as we read the scriptures and a daily devotion written by Don Crisp. We pray these messages will bless us all at this time.

Saturday 19 September: Acts chapter 4 :32-37:

Categories: Don’s Daily Devotions

Saturday 19 September: Acts chapter 4 :32-37:

V32:  We now get another glimpse of the oneness in love of the early church – now a considerable number, remember – put together ch 2 v 41 and 47, and ch 4 v4, all added to the original 120 of ch 1 v15. They were united in practical expression of their love for one another, so much so that they had ” everything in common”. Remember many would have been poor, with little ( or in the case of slaves, and surely there were some among them, nothing! ) So, those who “had”, shared freely with those who ” had not”, so in fact there were no ” have nots” among them.

V33:  And in God’s power, the apostles continue to witness and preach the truth as it is in Christ, and the grace of God is at work in and through them.

V34-35:  We get more detail of the ” sharing together” of v32. Those with property or land sold it, and brought the proceeds to the apostles to oversee the distribution among all believers, so that in truth, no-one lacked. The principle rather than the specifics of their practice is the lasting truth that should still mark believers, a real and practical love and care for each other ( John 13 :34.)

V36-37:  The name of Barnabas is now introduced. In fact, as v36 tells us his given name is Joseph and he is a native of Cyprus, a Levite by descent, but the apostles give him the name by which he is always known thereafter, Barnabas, which means ” the son of encouragement” – ( we might say ” the great encourager”. ) He must have displayed such a concern to encourage others as marked him out, even among the general evidence of mutual love and care. Later glimpses of his life and ministry show this to the full. Here, he sells his land and brings what it fetches to the apostles.