Sunday Worship 10.30am and 6.15pm
Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 7.30pm

welcome sheet

Weekly Notices

Each week, we issue a welcome leaflet, containing everything you need to know about Grace for the next 7 days, and beyond. Paper copies are available at our Sunday Services, and a shorter version is included here on our website.

Week Beginning 12th April 2015

Categories: Featured Weekly Notices

Sunday 12th April 2015

10.00am Pre-Service Prayer Meeting (prayer room)

Please join us in this vital time of prayer for the Lord’s blessing.



2 Corinthians 4 ‘Seeing reality!’  Preacher: Adam Laughton

A crèche is provided for babies & toddlers and Sunday School is available for older children.

Please join us for refreshments after the service.



For members and baptised believers in fellowship with other like minded churches



John 20 v 19-31 ‘The difference a risen Jesus makes’  Preacher: Pastor Stuart Harding

Refreshments will be served in the foyer after the service – all are very welcome.

This Week

Please note that most of our regular activities are in recess for the Easter Holiday

Tues 14th April

10.30am Missionary Prayer Meeting (10am for coffee)

1.30pm – 4pm Foodbank in the Grace Centre

7.45pm Men’s Target Bible Study

Wed 15th

7.30pm Prayer Meeting – Mike Sutton

Sun 19th

10.30am Worship Service – Jonny Pearse

6.15pm Worship Service – Jonny Pearse

Advance Notice

Tues 21st April

Prayer Meeting

Wed 22nd

Men’s and Ladies’ Fellowship

Thurs 23rd

Afternoon Fellowship

Elders & Deacons meeting

Fri 24th

Friday Youth Groups – new term begins

Mon 27th

Ladies’ Bible Study (chapters 8 and 9)

Tues 28th

Christianity Explored training sessions

Wed 29th

Additional members’ meeting

Sun 3rd May

Church Anniversary Sunday: Preacher – Stuart Olyott (Deeside)

Mon 4th

Grace Event at Hesketh Bank

Tues 5th

Final Holiday Club planning meeting, 7.45pm

Tues 19th

Christianity Explored training sessions