Sunday Worship 10.30am and 6.15pm
Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 7.30pm


Featured News

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Arequipa News Oct 2019

So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart.

A bird with a broken wing cannot fly. A church that relies on only one “wing” of ministry will also struggle to function efficiently. The early New Testament church spread its wings and lit spiritual fires in many areas, seemingly through smaller group gatherings. The “wings” of the church, God’s people in the Buenos Aires area are corporate worship on Sundays, supported by house groups and other small fellowship events throughout the week. In our case the weekly events, where believers can know real fellowship, encourage one another, and invite family, friends and neighbours, has been a means of considerable spiritual vitality and blessing. It has the effect of moving us away from a mere professional ministry to a more collective ministry, where believers can express their faith and use their gifts. As I said recently in a sermon, “The Lord does not desire fat sheep, so go out and feed others from what you received. Freely you have received, freely give”.


Recently we had a full month of ministry on Mission, with visiting speakers and all the members involved. We had nine groups in the church who gave a presentation on the country of their choice. Every wall of the church was decorated with photos, statistics and missionary information, along with tables spread with indigenous food. One of our members, Juan José who is studying Japanese brought along his teacher and other students. One of the students, Max, has since made a profession of faith, and now worships regularly with us. We are blessed with a good number of committed young people where those, such as Max, can immediately find fellowship and encouragement.

Recently joined are another couple from Venezuela, Marco and his wife. Roberto, a church member and a builder, has taken on more workers due to winning a contract to build a six story block of flats. Marco is among those men he has hired.  Each day before they start work he holds a short service. He has invited me to share the gospel at some point in the near future. Pray for these families, they face a terrible situation in Venezuela. The couple mentioned above have come to Peru without their children. Working here means, they can send money back to support their families. Pray for Venezuela.

Rebeca will be travelling to Pakistan at the end of October, and not back until May next year. She will spend 4 months at the hospital in Multan, and then for a time in Thailand with other missionaries at the Pioneer Mission Conference. She still hopes to travel to the UK sometime next year with a view to improving her English before returning to Pakistan as a full time missionary, God willing, in 2021.  

Villa Magisterial

Here we also meet with believers in their homes during the week. This has the added benefit of encouraging other family members to join in, particularly husbands, as it is difficult to get them out to other events. We are preparing for the largest gospel outreach we have ever had in the area, running from 8th, 9th and 10th of November. Recently I presented a letter to the President of the local Residents Association, requesting the use of the local community centre for the 3 day outreach. We have chosen the theme of the ministry, along with the guest speaker who will share in the ministry. We plan to work with another Baptist church with whom we have close fellowship, mainly through their Pastor Germán Cáceres, with whom we meet on a regular basis. This month we will meet together to pray specifically for the Lord’s blessing and power upon this outreach. Please Pray also that I will get the relevant permission from the local authority to place an advert above the main highway into Villa Magisterial. Recently the Lord gave me this verse which I shall constantly use in prayer. Please will you pray with us for a move of the Holy Spirit through those days of gospel outreach? I know your deeds, behold, I have put before you an open door which no one can shut, because you have a little power, and have kept my word, and have not denied my name. Rev.3:8. May the Lord be pleased to open hearts to receive the grace of God in salvation; using our weakness and powerlessness to bring glory to his name through the salvation of many.

Children´s ministry

Some of the children who have been with us for years have enjoyed days out with the young people of the Buenos Aires church. What an encouragement that Gonzalo now makes his own way there every Sunday. Pray that the youth leader and I will be able to organise a retreat for the young people from both areas. Pray also for the provision of the necessary funds.

Family news 

I had to take our daughter Melissa to A&E after a recent Sunday evening service. Initially we thought that it was a recurrence of the problem she has had with stones, because of the severe abdominal and back pain. It turned out to be food poisoning, which was relieved by a saline drip and medication. A few days earlier our dog Scooby had an op! The surgeon who teaches Melissa at University invited her to assist him, which was all very valuable experience. She also helped a bulldog deliver its pups beforehand.

Pastor Carlos fell off a step ladder and fractured two of his ribs, on the same day as our Pastor friend, German injured himself in a fall. It all happened during the week of Evangelism when we had a group from the church in Lima helping us. Pray for those who are in the midst of the spiritual battle.  We would appreciate your prayers for all of the above, particularly for our gospel outreach in November. Thank you all for your partnership in prayer; and a special thanks to those who are committed to financially support our work, serving the Lord here in Arequipa.

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Harvest Service

Join us on Sunday 29th September for out Harvest Service at 10.30am.

This year, we will welcome donations of tinned food to go to the Southport Food Pantry, or cash donations can be made to Caring For Life.

Information about the Pantry can be found here:

Information about Caring For Life can be found here:

Have a look at our video:

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Arequipa News

A sword for the Lord and for Gideon. (Judges 7: 20)

In ancient history a story is told of a valiant captain whose banner was always foremost in the fight, whose sword was dreaded by his enemies, for it always heralded victory. His monarch once demanded to see this potent weapon for himself. On examination the king then sent it back with this critical message—”I see nothing wonderful in the sword; I cannot understand why any man should be afraid of it.” The captain replied, most respectfully, saying, “Your Majesty has been pleased to examine the sword, but I did not send the arm that wielded it; if you had examined that, and the heart that guided the arm, you would have understood the mystery.” The mystery we need to understand is that it is not just the Lord’s sword but that it is the weak instruments he is pleased to use in his service. Are you, by faith, like Gideon, placing yourself in his hand and trusting him to use you in his wonderful service?

Church news

One of our workers, who helps with the children’s outreach and ministry among the ladies, has finally received her visa to visit and serve abroad. With it taking so long, five months in total, we began to wonder if the Lord was perhaps closing the door on her desire to serve. However the way ahead is finally clear but she cannot travel until January 2020 due to the absence of missionary personnel on the ground. She hopes to spend some months with our home church in Southport to learn English, before travelling on to her new location. Please pray for all the detailed arrangements surrounding her travels and visits. Please pray that she may be a blessing and be blessed as she spends time with believers in the different countries and contexts.

A Venezuelan couple  have been with us for nearly a year. Whilst they both look for work they are using their gifts among the young people. The husband’s brother, is a young Pastor with a young family, and who was with us for a few months, is now ministering in a city centre church who currently have no pastor. Pray for the country of Venezuela, that in times of suffering and real hunger, the Lord, the Bread of Life will, by his Spirit, create a lasting spiritual hunger.

Church activities

We had a full church for our recent anniversary services. The visiting speaker from Lima stayed with us and we had a very profitable time of fellowship and ministry. It was good to have a break from preaching and to be edified through God’s word. We were encouraged that a number from Villa Magisterial joined us for the weekend.

The Holiday Bible Club earlier in the year, mainly run by our young people, attracted many children. It was a means of reaching out to the local community with the purpose of increasing the number of children for the Sunday school. Sadly the response and support from the parents was disappointing. We realise, that with most of the population being nominally Roman Catholic, the spiritual opposition by the enemy is not easily overcome. Please pray that this aspect of the church’s work will increase.

In March we had an encouraging visit from Jim Sayers, the Communications Director of Grace Baptist Mission. It gave us an opportunity to share with Jim something of the work of the fellowship as well as the outreach to Villa Magisterial. Please pray that our work might receive a greater exposure among the churches in the UK, as there is a shortfall in our current financial support.

Recently, we finally received the shoeboxes from Samaritans purse, enabling us to have special meetings in both the church and at Villa Magisterial, Christmas came twice for the children!

Outreach in Villa Magisterial

We continue with the discipleship classes and teaching on Sunday afternoons at VM. As all attending have been taught Catholic doctrine since childhood, we decided to delay the baptisms until later in the year. What may seem perfectly understandable to us, is often not so clear to those hearing and reading the word of God for the first time. Please pray, as we move at a slower pace, that the teaching will be more meaningful and give them a clearer biblical understanding of Grace and Salvation.

In November we are planning a week of evangelism, designed to reach a larger section of the community. Carlos and I meet regularly with another Baptist pastor, and both of our churches will be working together during that week. We have invited a well known evangelist from South America whose time will be divided between tow separate areas. Please pray for all the organisation, visits to schools, and the various permissions needed from the authorities to use the open spaces we have in mind.

Please pray that the Lord will provide the finance for the outdoor awnings we need. Please pray that the publicity will reach the wider public in the surrounding areas. I have suggested that our churches hold joint prayer meetings two months before the planned meetings. We invite you to join with us in your prayer meetings that the Spirit of God will move among us, anoint the Lord´s servant and that He will also mobilise the whole church membership to be involved.

Family news

We’ve have had an eventful few months, Firstly, we had a joyful time celebrating the marriage of Roxy´s niece Daniella, who in an answer to many prayers, was married to a missionary from the US. Then our daughter Melissa had to go into hospital for a large kidney stone to be removed, not so welcome! Given that we have all had our health issues over the last year, please pray that the Lord will grant us a sustained period of good health!

Your ongoing support for us in the work here in Arequipa is greatly appreciated, and we trust that you will continue to pray that we will yet see even greater blessing through the salvation of souls in the coming days. We would love to hear from you as to what is happening in your church so please feel free to drop an email to

For further details on how you can support us financially please contact either us by email:, or Grace Baptist Mission using their address

In Christ, Anthony and Roxy Green




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Holiday Club 2019


Its that time again…Holiday Club at Grace!

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Our Holiday Bible Club runs this half term on Tuesday 28th May – Friday 31st May.

Four mornings of free fun during summer half-term, for kids from reception through to year 6.


It’s happening at the Grace Centre on the corner of Market St and Princes Street.


It’s every morning from 10.00am – 12.15pm. It finishes with an All Age Service on Sunday 2nd June at 10.30am.


Children from reception to yr 6 are invited to a fun packed morning of stories, games, and craft.


Through the week we’ll be meeting Superheroes!

Other details:

  • Places do not need to be booked in advance.
  • Children need to have forms completed and signed by parents/guardians for the first morning they attend. This form can be downloaded from our website, here:
    Download Registration Forms
  • The week is free!
  • If you have any questions, you can send an email through our website, or call the church to speak to one of our Pastors, Stuart or Jonny on 01704 531751.

Holiday Club A6

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Arequipa Camp 2019

Our friends in Arequipa, Peru held their annual camp in January, and they thought you might like to see how they got on. We thank you for your prayers for the wonderful time we had together. Please click on the video and enjoy!

For more details about our work, or to support us, email us




Anthony & Roxy Green – June 2018

As soon as you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the balsam trees, move quickly, because that will mean the Lord has gone out in front of you to strike the Philistine army. 2 Samuel 5:24

Many an athlete has been disqualified for “jumping” the starting gun. As believers we are often like the athlete, devising strategies before first seeking counsel of the Lord. Seeing the enemy thwarted is the Lord’s work but He calls us to play our part, firstly through persistent prayer, pleading with Him to open doors, and then when He does, we must act promptly and with courage to face the spiritual battle ahead.
The battle is hard but Roxy and I are much encouraged as we seek to support the leadership of the church at Buenos Aires, Arequipa. Please pray with us that the following prayer items will bring glory to God alone as we see His church grow.

1. Student Outreach
Please pray for Juan José, and Jessica Cuadras, two of our young people reaching out to students in the local University. Before going on to the Campus for daily personal evangelism, they meet for prayer at 6.00 in the morning. Recently they travelled to Chile for a conference, and in their report to the church, not only was their own personal zeal for evangelism evident, but also that they were encouraged by the zeal of the Chilean churches. Juan has preached a few times in our church; pray for his spiritual growth as well as for others who desire to serve the Lord and use their gifts.

2. Marriage counselling
Please pray for Roberto, who has responsibility within the fellowship. He recently returned from a conference aimed at helping those facing marriage problems. He has a number of friends who are facing such trials and so has a burden to reach them with the Gospel. He currently hosts a meeting in his own home, but we are just waiting on the Lord to see if this is a further area where we can offer support. Just recently the wife of one of our young couples asked Roxy for some advice. Could our home be used for this much needed yet sensitive area of ministry, or do we continue meeting at Roberto’s? Please pray for clarity in decision making.

3. Home groups
Please pray for us as we consider developing church house groups. A year or two ago, Pastor Carlos and myself attended a Conference led by a Brazilian Pastor, examining the issue of growing the church through house groups. Churches around the world have grown exponentially through such ministry. Pastor Carlos has sourced some good material to use, and, apart from deepening fellowship, he seeks to prepare some of our younger men for leadership of these groups. Pray that this preparatory teaching will be greatly blessed by the Lord and that wise and clear structures will be in place before they begin. Pray for Roxy and me as we, alongside Carlos, pay periodic visits to the groups to encourage the continuation of vision and focus. Pray also that new converts can be readily and wisely fed into the right group.

4. General prayer points
Rejoice with me over the inconvenience of a flat tyre! Dealing with a flat tyre gave me an opportunity, for over an hour, to share the gospel with Emerson. I was able to give him the booklet, Reasons to Believe, and he has asked to meet again soon. Please pray that I might be able to point him to Christ, I feel he is not far from the kingdom.
Please pray for Ismael, 12 years old and the nephew of one of our members. He is due to have a serious heart operation this month in Lima. Pray also for his mother, who attended the church recently, and for the whole family at this time.
Please pray for Samuel as he leads the young people’s meeting on Saturdays. Pray for those unsaved who attend.
Please pray earnestly for Nancy, Pastor Carlos´s wife who is undergoing radiotherapy treatment for her cancer. Pray that the Lord will provide the funds necessary so her treatment may continue.
We are encouraged by the prospect of more baptisms. Please pray for Carlos as he leads these classes and that the candidates may grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

5. Villa Magisterial
As shared in our May Prayer Letter, the outreach work at Villa Magisterial is now under the direction of the church at Buenos Aires. This has given it fresh impetus, not only in prayer but in help and support from church members. Their attendance, from young and old, has brought a more lively spirit to the meetings.
Please pray for the opportunity that this work gives for some of our young men to develop their gifts.
Please pray for a special evangelistic outreach on Father’s day, 17 June. We long to see more fathers converted.
Please pray for Vilma, who recently expressed her desire to receive the Lord as Saviour, and for Walter, whose wife attends the church. She says he has heard the gospel from some work colleagues, and desires to meet with us in the near future.

6 Financial Support
Please pray for our financial support. Recipients of our prayer letters will know we have never mentioned finance, until more recently. However, given the significant shortfall in the level of our support, there is a real need for an increase in giving if we are to achieve the required 100% designated giving. Clearly we must first look to the Lord, yet we are deeply grateful to those who have already pledged additional monies. If what we have shared has encouraged your heart and you feel you can give, either new money or make an increase on your already valued contribution, that would be greatly appreciated. Gospel truth is impacting Peru, we are so happy just to be part of that growth but equally we desire that you partner with us, sharing in the joy of seeing Christ’s kingdom grow, and all to His glory alone.

For further details on how you can support us financially please contact either Maciek Stolarski on or Grace Baptist Mission on
We do appreciate you all, both as a family and as a church, for your prayerful support for the work here in Arequipa.

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Christmas at Grace 2018

We welcome you to Christmas at Grace!
We are holding four main services during this years’ festive season.

All Age Carol Service
Sunday 16 December, 10.30am
Followed by mince pies and hot drink.

Traditional Carol Service
Sunday 23 December, 6.15pm
With carols (old & new) & Bible readings from the Christmas story.
Mince pies & hot drinks.

Carols ’til Midnight
Christmas Eve 11.15pm

Christmas Morning Service
Christmas Day, 10.30am
A short all-age service to thank God for his kindness to us.

Please do join us at any or all of our services, as we remember the sending of God’s only Son, who ‘dwelt among us’. For more details about our services, or about our church, send us a message here, or telephone 01704-531751.





Read the Bible Together

Read the Bible Together

What is it?

Over the next 3 years (beginning April 2017) we are planning to read through the whole of the Bible as a Church. It’s open to members and non-members to participate, people can join in at any point even if they’ve missed the start. We will use a set reading plan each month and then in the following month meet in home groups to discuss what we have read and learnt.
Each month and for each book we will be asking the same 8 questions.
  1. What did you learn about Jesus?
  2. What did you learn about yourself?
  3. How were you corrected and rebuked?
  4. How do you feel you need to change?
  5. What did you learn from scripture that will help you endure (keep going) and be encouraged?
  6. What did you learn that will teach you to do works of service to build up the Church here at Grace?
  7. What have you learnt that helps you love the Lord your God with all your heart & with all your soul & with all your mind?
  8. What has helped you love your neighbour as yourself?


The following documents will help you, so download them for more details :
 (includes reading plan and questions)
(includes the questions and space to make notes)

Where is it?

There are 8 home groups as follows:

 Venues2 (1)

The Welcome sheet will give further information each month, especially if there have been any changes to the above. If you have not been allocated to a group please speak to one of the Elders.

Recommended Resources

God’s Big Picture – Vaughan Roberts
Bible Overview – Steve Levy

Holiday Club 2017

Meet the King!

Its that time again…Holiday Club at Grace! But this time, it’s February Half-Term.

holiday club image

Our Holiday Bible Club runs this half term on Tuesday 14th – Friday 17th February.

Four mornings of free fun during spring half-term, for kids from reception through to year 6.


It’s happening at the Grace Centre on the corner of Market St and Princes Street.


It’s every morning from 9.45am – 12.15pm. It finishes with an All Age Service on Sunday 19th February at 10.30am.


Children from reception to yr 6 are invited to a fun packed morning of stories, games, and craft.


Through the week we’ll be ‘Meeting the King’.

Other details:

  • Places do not need to be booked in advance.
  • Children need to have forms completed and signed by parents/guardians for the first morning they attend. This form can be downloaded from our website, here:
    Download Registration Forms
  • The week is free!
  • If you have any questions, you can send an email through our website, or call the church to speak to one of our Pastors, Stuart or Jonny on 01704 531751.


Life Explored Course




Are you searching or longing for something more in life? Or maybe you know someone who is? Life Explored is an informal and relaxed seven-week course. It’s for anyone who wants to find contentment and happiness in life.

It starts 8.00pm on Tuesday 10th January 2017 and is being held in the Grace Centre. The course and all the material is free. You don’t need to know anything about the Bible, you can ask any question you like or just sit and listen.

Speak to Pastor Jonny for further details.
