Sunday Worship 10.30am and 6.15pm
Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 7.30pm

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Christmas Services 2018

Visit us this Christmas at Grace, as we remember once again that Christ was sent into the world. We have a variety of events throughout the festive season, including a Family Carol Service, a Traditional Carol Service, a new service late on Christmas Eve, and a morning service on Christmas Day.

We welcome you to Christmas at Grace!
We are holding four main services during this years’ festive season.

All Age Carol Service
Sunday 16 December, 10.30am
Followed by mince pies and hot drink.

Traditional Carol Service
Sunday 23 December, 6.15pm
With carols (old & new) & Bible readings from the Christmas story.
Mince pies & hot drinks.

Carols ’til Midnight
Christmas Eve 11.15pm

Christmas Morning Service
Christmas Day, 10.30am
A short all-age service to thank God for his kindness to us.

Please do join us at any or all of our services, as we remember the sending of God’s only Son, who ‘dwelt among us’. For more details about our services, or about our church, send us a message here, or telephone 01704-531751.


