Sunday Worship 10.30am and 6.15pm
Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 7.30pm

welcome sheet

Weekly Notices

Each week, we issue a welcome leaflet, containing everything you need to know about Grace for the next 7 days, and beyond. Paper copies are available at our Sunday Services, and a shorter version is included here on our website.

Week Beginning 29th October 2017

Categories: Featured Weekly Notices

Sunday 29th October 2017

10.00am Pre-Service Prayer Meeting (prayer room)
Please join us in this vital time of prayer for the Lord’s blessing.

10.30am Worship Service
Preacher: Digby Williams
Junior church runs during the service and caters for children of all ages up to school year 9, including a crèche for babies and toddlers. Please note: There is no Sunday Ignite class this morning. Please join us for refreshments after the service.

6.00pm Pre-Service Prayer Meeting (prayer room)
We need the Lord’s help in all we do – please join us in prayer.

6.15pm Worship Service
RBT Overview of Numbers  Preacher: Pastor Stuart Harding
Please join us for refreshments after the service.

This Week

Mon 30th October
11.30am-3pm Grace Centre being used (please note front car park is in use from 9am)

Tues 31st
10.30am RBT Group Birkdale/Hillside AM
1pm – 4pm Foodbank, Grace Centre (please note Grace Centre parking is required between 12-4pm)
8.00pm RBT Group Birkdale/Hillside PM

Wed 1st November
10.30am Ladies’ Fellowship – Mary Stolarski (1/3)
10.30am Men’s Fellowship – David Wilkinson
7.30pm RBT Southport Town 1 and 2 – joint RBT group
7.30pm RBT Southport Town 3
8.00pm RBT Ormskirk Group

Thurs 2nd
10.00am Footprints – Bonfire night craft (Grace Centre parking needed 9am-12.30pm)
1.30pm RBT Marshside/Crossens
7.30pm International Café in the Grace Centre
8.00pm RBT Southport Town 4

Fri 3rd
5.15pm 5-Alive – Fireworks craft
6.15pm Friday Club – Craft
7.45pm Ignite – Ignite Night

Sat 4th
10.00am Art Group
2.30pm Torch Trust for the Blind at Thomas Henshaw Care Home: Maurice Packwood

Sun 5th
10.30am Worship Service – Pastor Jonny Pearse
5.30pm Lord’s Supper
6.15pm Worship Service – Pastor Stuart Harding

Advance Notice

Mon 6th
Craft Group

Wed 8th
English Reformation #2: Elizabeth and the rise of the Puritans