Sunday Worship 10.30am and 6.15pm
Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 7.30pm


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Popcorn done

Popcorn Craft

Popcorn Craft

“O taste and see that the Lord is good.” Psalm 34:8

Instructions for making popcorn

(to be supervised by an adult)

1. Get a big pan with a tight fitting lid. Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil.

2. Put the pan on the cooker and heat the oil until very hot (just before smokey)

3. Add popcorn kernels, put lid on and shake the pan.

4. Return to the heat, giving the pan a little shake every 30 seconds or so.

5. The kernels will start to pop (be patient). Once they start popping keep the lid on and keep shaking every 30 seconds, returning to the heat until the popping has slowed to a stop.

6. Remove the pan from the heat, add the popcorn to a bowl, sprinkle with sugar, salt, or melt a little butter and sugar together to drizzle over the popcorn.

Popcorn video
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Memory Verse – O

Here is our next memory verse, starting with the letter ”O”. Why not print it off, then learn it while you are colouring it in. Show your work to someone at home, and tell them the verse you have learnt. You could even send us a video of you saying it while holding your picture!…

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Colour balloon

Hot Air Balloon Craft

Hot air balloon craft

1. Cut out five balloon shaped templates-two with the verse on and three plain.
2. Colour in / decorate one side of the cutouts
3. Fold cutout’s in half lengthways (along the line of symmetry) so the coloured inside is in the fold.
4. Glue (Pritstick should do) one folded half of one cutout(the outside of the fold), and stick it to the next half folded cutout. Repeat until you have a stack of five half balloons.
5. Stick the top of the stack of half balloons to the bottom half ballon after running your string down the centre spine of the stack of balloons. Leave to dry and then arrange into a 3D balloon shape.
6. Cut out the basket template,fold along the fold lines and glue the tabs.
7. Attach you basket to string dangling from the balloon with blue tack,chewing gum, or any other sticky thing you find lying around.

As with all previous airborne crafts, we cannot take responsibility for any accidents that may occur during flight. Please ensure you have all necessary licences before attempting to fly your hot air balloon.

Colour balloon

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Memory Verse – N

Here is our next memory verse, starting with the letter ”N”. Why not print it off, then learn it while you are colouring it in. Show your work to someone at home, and tell them the verse you have learnt. You could even send us a video of you saying it while holding your picture!…

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Loaf of Bread

Cut out your loaf of bread, the cross, and the banner with this week’s verse on. Colour it all in, give your loaf of bread a happy face, then stick on the cross and banner. Next time you have toast or a lovely sandwich, hopefully you will be reminded of this wonderful verse.

Click on the Loaf of Bread below to print off your own copy. Then go get baking!


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Bible Verse – M

Here is our next memory verse, starting with the letter ”M”. Why not print it off, then learn it while you are colouring it in. Show your work to someone at home, and tell them the verse you have learnt. You could even send us a video of you saying it while holding your picture!…

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Memory Verses A-L

The kids of Junior Church are still working away, learning their memory verses. Today, Pastor Stuart teaches them all the verses so far, from A-K

Memory Verses A-L

Pastor Stuart reminds the children of Junior Church of all the memory verses so far, from letter A to L
Verse Letter L coloured

Bible Verse – L

Here is our next memory verse, starting with the letter ”L”. Why not print it off, then learn it while you are colouring it in. Show your work to someone at home, and tell them the verse you have learnt. You could even send us a video of you saying it while holding your picture!

Click the picture below to get a full size version to send to your printer.

Verse Letter L coloured


Craft with a Heart

Time to show a bit of love. Here is a craft to cut out and keep, or even give it to someone you love.

Click HERE to download the TEMPLATE.

Here is how to do it:

  • Fold your card, so the heart is on the front.
  • Cut along the line to cut the heart into two.
  • Colour in the heart, then flip. Open each side and draw the things you love on the inside page.
  • When you’ve finished, you might like to stand the card up by your bed to remind you to love God with all your heart,
    soul and strength, and to thank God for all the things he has sent for you to love!

Coloured snake

Snake Craft

Who doesn’t like a snake? Well, now is your chance to make one! So, click on the picture below, and then print off the template. Why don’t you colour it in and stick  things on to it….make it a bright and colourful snake.

Then, get a responsible adult to help you cut out the snake, before either balancing it on a stick, or hanging it on string. Your choice!

Did you know that in the Bible, Moses lifted up a snake on a pole one day, because the people had sinned and needed healing? All they had to do was to obey his command to look at the snake so they could live. This reminds us that one day Jesus was lifted up on a cross, so that we could look to Jesus and accept Him and be saved.

Coloured snake